Moving Domains and Rebranding

Due to us moving to a new domain (as announced earlier), I’ll have to ‘re-brand’ almost every PCB, project, 3D File and document/datasheet.
Therefor I have decided to take all projects (which contain the old “branding” with ‘offline’ for now. I’m currently working on rebranding all the projects, files and documents, and you will of course see them all return in the future, but please do understand that this will take a lot of time. This because there are/’where’ a lot of projects, files and documents containing the ‘old branding/domain’.
All projects which you have seen and/or used in the past will definitely return, but it will happen gradually overtime with a ‘re-launch’ of them. Some of these projects will also be updated to newer/more modern versions, others will just return as-is but with the new branding/domain on them.
The projects will not return ‘all at once’, but like said before, they will return gradually one by one. This because I’m/we’re currently also working on a lot of new projects, which means that we will have to divide our attention a bit.
My apologies for any possible inconvenience, but I’m hoping that everything will be back to normal as soon as possible 🙂
Thanks for understanding and for your patience.