
This category shows all ‘Software like’ downloads which includes things like: Drivers, Backup Mirrors, bootloaders, flashtools, Open-Source projects, XNL Libraries, Examples and Snippets, Closed Source projects & Products etc.

Showing all 10 results

  • CH430/CH431 USB Serial/UART Driver

    This is a complete mirror ‘driver package’ for the CH430/CH431 USB to Serial chips.

    We use these CH430 chips on nearly all our projects and products which have USB<->Serial/UART communication/integration.

    This driver is also needed for many “Arduino®Clones” and/or “Chinese Arduino® Boards“, this is currently one of the most popular (cheap) USB to serial/UART chips used.

    Read the information in the product tab for detailed information regarding these drivers and the supported chips.

    Download Size: 6.2MB

  • comctl32.ocx (VB6 Runtime file)

    This is a file which is often reported missing when trying to run applications written in Visual Basic 6 on newer operating systems like Windows 10.

    The COMCTL32.OCX file is the library which ‘delivers’ the Windows Common Controls and is (was) provided by Microsoft. However in newer versions of Windows this file is no longer present.

    Some older programs (which otherwise still run fine on newer Windows versions) do however still depend on this file being present on your system in order to run properly.

    NOTE: Please read the information and instructions bellow on how to use/install this file before downloading it.

    Download: 1.3MB

  • Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 3.0

    This is a link to the official download page of the XNA Framework Redistributable 3.0

    Some of our legacy (and even recent) projects and/or products (still) use the XNA Framework to utilize Xbox (360 and One) controllers in our applications, games and even drivers.

    Currently these redistributables are still being offered by Microsoft itself, and thus you should download them from their website

  • Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 3.1

    This is a link to the official download page of the XNA Framework Redistributable 3.1

    Some of our legacy (and even recent) projects and/or products (still) use the XNA Framework to utilize Xbox (360 and One) controllers in our applications, games and even drivers.

    Currently these redistributables are still being offered by Microsoft itself, and thus you should download them from their website

  • STM32 Flasher (Flash Tool)

    This is our (unaltered) backup mirror of the STM32 Flash loader by ST.

    This flasher can be used to flash the bootloader onto XNL STAR-3 Boards, XNL STAR-3-MB Boards, STM32 Blue Pill board and (many) other STM32 Microcontrollers

    This is a backup mirror to ensure that you always have access to the version/bootloader which we recommend. Make sure to check the Information Tab to see if the original author has a more recent version!

    Download Size: 35MB

  • Visual Basic 6 SP5 Runtimes (VB6)

    These are the Visual Basic 6 SP5 runtimes which where required when installing (or running) applications developed with Visual Basic 6 on older operating systems.

    Since we still have some (vintage) computers running operating systems like Windows 98 (SE), Windows 2000 and Windows XP and are sometimes still using projects needing these runtimes we decided to make them available for those legacy projects if uses needed them.

    You do not need to install these runtimes from Windows Vista and up (including Windows 10!), because since Windows Vista these runtimes are integrated into the operating system!

    Download: 1MB

  • Visual Basic 6 SP6 Runtimes (VB6)

    These are the Visual Basic 6 SP6 runtimes which where required when installing (or running) applications developed with Visual Basic 6 on older operating systems.

    Since we still have some (vintage) computers running operating systems like Windows 98 (SE), Windows 2000 and Windows XP and are sometimes still using projects needing these runtimes we decided to make them available for those legacy projects if uses needed them.

    You do not need to install these runtimes from Windows Vista and up (including Windows 10!), because since Windows Vista these runtimes are integrated into the operating system!

    Download: 1MB

  • XNL STAR-3(-MB) Bootloader Bin

    This is our mirror of the XNL STAR-3 Bootloader bin file.

    This bootloader can (also) be used for:
    XNL STAR-3 Boards
    XNL STAR-3-MB Boards
    STM32 Blue Pill boards
    – Most other boards using an STM32F103C8
    – Most other boards using an STM32F103CB

    This is a backup mirror to ensure that you always have access to the version/bootloader which we recommend. Make sure to check the Information Tab to see if the original author has a more recent version!

    Download Size: 13KB

  • XNL STAR-3(-MB) Drivers

    These are a mirror of the (USB) drivers for the XNL STAR-3 and several other STM32 based boards.

    These drivers can also be used for:
    XNL STAR-3-MB Boards
    STM32 Blue Pill boards
    – Most other boards using an STM32F103C8
    – Most other boards using an STM32F103CB

    Download Size: 22MB

  • XNL TextSpec 3.0

    20 years ago (as of 2024) I wrote TextSpec 2.0B which was used to count words, characters and lines in a pasted (plain) text. Simply because lots of people I knew back then didn’t had Microsoft Word on their home computer, or they just wanted a small (quickly starting) tool to get this information about a piece of text fast and efficiently.

    In honor of the 20 year old version I decided to completely rewrite TextSpec from scratch in .NET with a lot more features, accuracy and other improvements.

    Interested in what this new modernized version has to offer and why I decided to rewrite it again? Make sure to check the information bellow for more details 😊

    Download: 396KB (Program/Binaries)
    Download: 470KB (Source Code)