
The software in this section is released as open-source, this can be projects which are ‘delivered’ with source (alongside the program it self), or ONLY as source code.

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Showing the single result

  • XNL TextSpec 3.0

    20 years ago (as of 2024) I wrote TextSpec 2.0B which was used to count words, characters and lines in a pasted (plain) text. Simply because lots of people I knew back then didn’t had Microsoft Word on their home computer, or they just wanted a small (quickly starting) tool to get this information about a piece of text fast and efficiently.

    In honor of the 20 year old version I decided to completely rewrite TextSpec from scratch in .NET with a lot more features, accuracy and other improvements.

    Interested in what this new modernized version has to offer and why I decided to rewrite it again? Make sure to check the information bellow for more details 😊

    Download: 396KB (Program/Binaries)
    Download: 470KB (Source Code)