Desk Outlet Socket Protection

Just a very simple (but effective) solution to close-off horizontally installed desk outlets .

I designed this (simple) solution to protect our pet (rescue) pigeon Sophie against accidentally putting her feet into the desk sockets (which where obviously already installed there before we got her 😉 )

This is a simple 3D print of two parts (the closing cap and the ‘key’), both the key and the cap(s) take a 10x3mm neodymium magnet.

Download: 85kb



Yes, one could argue that desk outlets installed like this is a generally a bad idea, and most of the time I/we would definitely agree with that 😉

However back in the day when this part of the office was build we had very good reasons (which still hold up today btw) to install them anyway in this way.

However when Sophie (our pigeon) came into our life, they where (obviously) not the safest outlets for her. So that is why I decided to make these caps.

They can’t be take out by her (because there is nothing she can grab onto with her beak), but that also means that you won’t be able to ‘pry them out’ easily, hence why I decided to go with the ‘magnet key’ solution.

The magnets used are 10x3mm neodymium magnets which (if your 3D printer is calibrated properly and your filament doesn’t expand/shrink to much) should snap in with just a bit of force. If they won’t stay in properly, you could for example always use a drop of super glue.

Socket Cap Dimensions: 38.60mm with a thickness of 5.29mm
Additional Part(s) needed:
Two 10x3mm neodymium magnet (to make one cap and one ‘key’, and one extra magnet for each cap you make of course)

TIP: Make some scratches into the magnet before gluing to have a (much) stronger bond.

Demo Video / “ad”:
You can watch a (funny) shorts on the YouTube Channel our Pigeon here which shows the importance of the protection this project/product offers 😉


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