XNL TextSpec 3.0

20 years ago (as of 2024) I wrote TextSpec 2.0B which was used to count words, characters and lines in a pasted (plain) text. Simply because lots of people I knew back then didn’t had Microsoft Word on their home computer, or they just wanted a small (quickly starting) tool to get this information about a piece of text fast and efficiently.

In honor of the 20 year old version I decided to completely rewrite TextSpec from scratch in .NET with a lot more features, accuracy and other improvements.

Interested in what this new modernized version has to offer and why I decided to rewrite it again? Make sure to check the information bellow for more details 😊

Download: 396KB (Program/Binaries)
Download: 470KB (Source Code)


By clicking on the 'I Agree & Add to download basket', you confirm that you have read and agree to the License shown at the License tab.


As stated in the short-description above, XNL TextSpec 3.0 was written and re-released as a modern version of TextSpec 2.0B which I (as of 2024) wrote 20 years ago. Back then most people I knew mostly used WordPad on their home computer and either didn’t had Microsoft Office/Word, or they needed an additional (small and fast starting) tool to get details like word count, line count and character count from a piece of (plain) text.

You might think that as of 2024 a tool like this has become obsolete (just like I did initially), but apparently not. When I was looking online to see when WordPad (which comes with Windows by default since Windows 95) got the function to count word’s, lines and characters I learned it still does not in 2024 😳. And during this ‘research’ I came across a post where someone was looking for an (offline) tool to get this information titled How do I Check My Word Count in Wordpad?

Some people still can’t use something like Microsoft Office or OpenOffice due to license restrictions on their business computer for example. So that is when I decided to re-write TextSpect completely from scratch in .NET. I using Visual Basic .NET for two simple reasons:
1. The Original TextSpec 2.0B was also written in Visual Basic (VB6 that is)
2. Despite the fact that I can program in many different languages now these days (including C#, C++, PHP, LUA and many more), Visual Basic goes ‘way back’ to my childhood and still is my favorite programming language (don’t know why either😂). And with .NET as it’s framework / ‘engine’, it can be just as powerful as the other languages these days.

Keeping it ‘authentic’
To ensure that I ‘kept TextSpec Authentic‘ (when ‘updating’ it to version 3.0 from version 2.0B), I even used (literally copy-pasted) a piece of code (to ‘unit’ convert bytes to KB, MB etc) from the original VB6 version of TextSpec 2.0B to the new .NET version TextSpec 3.0. I only edited three lines of code in that function to give users the option to calculate file sizes in base 10 or base 2. So that should justify the authenticity and the ‘right’ to release it as version 3.0 now right 😉?

I also gave users the option to switch between program layout: Classic (like TextSpec 2.0B), Modern and combined.

XNL TextSpec 3.0 has Much More Features
The new (modern) version has much more features than the original VB6 version had. You can find all the features on the Features tab.

Open Source
I decided to also release XNL TextSpec 3.0 as open source (just like I did with old version). Do make sure to check the license tab though to see how you can (or can’t) use the source code.

Programming Language (Source Code)
Visual Basic (Visual Studio Community 2019)
Visual Studio Community can be downloaded for free here

Surface RT/Windows RT 10 ARM Compatible
Projects or products which we specifically test on our own (re-purposed) Microsoft Surface RT tablets running Windows 10 RT ARM get this small ‘tag’ at the bottom of the information page so that other people who are also using their Surface RT’s with Windows RT 10 can more easily find programs which are compatible with their Surface RT. This because it can sometimes be quite difficult to find software working on that particular (test) version of Windows 10 ARM.


XNL TextSpec 3.0 and up should basically just run fine on any Microsoft Windows operating system which support installing the .NET Framework 4.7.2

Most modern operating systems (like Windows 10 and up) should automatically ask you to install the .NET Framework if it isn’t installed on your computer yet. For (older) operating systems which don’t ask this automatically, you can click on the link above to download the installer manually.

According to the download page of the .NET Framework 4.7.2 the supported operating systems should (at least) be:

  • Windows Server 2016 (version 1709)
  • Windows 10 Anniversary Update (version 1607) (x86 and x64)
  • Windows 10 Creators Update (version 1703) (x86 and x64)
  • Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (version 1709) (x86 and x64)
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64)
  • Windows 8.1 (x86 and x64)
  • Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (x64)
  • Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (x86 and x64)

We can confirm that XNL TextSpec 3.0 has also been tested to work on the following operating systems and architecture(s):

  • Windows 11 (x64)
  • Windows 10 (Version 22H2) (x64) and probably all versions above, but we are not going to list every update/version like Microsoft did above😉
  • Windows RT 10 Insider Preview ARM (Which we use to keep our Gen 1 & Gen 2 Surface RT’s usefull instead of tossing them in the recycle bin😉)

But what if I want to use XNL TextSpec 3.0 on something like Windows 98, 2000, XP etc?
Sorry, but I just won’t support those operating systems anymore for the regular projects and/or products. It really is a ‘big hassle’ to keep everything backwards compatible that far, especially with smaller projects. Some new projects might specifically be developed for the older operating systems, but that is then purely because we are working on a project which actually uses or needs that specific operating system. If you really want to use XNL TextSpec on an older operating system, then you could try to use the TimeCapsule version of XNL TextSpec (when it was still called TextSpec). Do note though that the TextSpec TimeCapsule version is no longer maintained.

IMPORTANT TIP: If you're planning to redistribute this project/product or if you are planning to use it for any commercial purpose (if the license permits these uses of course), then it is highly recommended that you 'copy-paste' this License and store it along with your download(s) for future reference.



Do note that all sections/'chapters' bellow constitute the entire license and that they are 'interconnected'. This for example means that if there is a section about Closed Source/Binaries License, that this doesn't mean that the rest of the license doesn't to those binaries. It just means that that section is specifically aimed at those files, while the rest of the license (where applicable) is also 'in effect' for those binaries.

Closed Source/Binaries License

This section covers the binaries and other 'produced/compiled files' (.exe, .dll, .oxc, .jpg, .ico etc) in this download, project and/or product.

Commercial use allowed

Commercial use of the software binary files is allowed, which means that you are allowed to use the software and/or files within this download, project and/or product within your company. Even if that means that you would be able to make a profit of using the software, download, project and/or product within your company/organization.

This however does not mean that you are for example allowed to redistribute, sell, rent out or offer the software, download, project and/or product via other subscription methods. Any commercial use like this is not allowed for this software, download, project and/or product.

It basically put just means that if you can use this software, download, project and/or product within your company/organization and make a profit of using it your self (or by letting your employees use it), but that you can't sell or otherwise distribute it (this also includes cloud hosting of the software!).

If this software, download, project and/or product is a server application (like a game server for example), then you are in most circumstances allowed to charge your users to connect to (and use) your server. This because you are then charging your users/players for your 'connection service' and server maintenance for example. Do make sure to check the server's specific license (if any) to see if the server (application) disallows such 'server connection/player fees' for example though.

Number of allowed installations (either private or commercial)

We basically don't nag about the maximum installations within your own household, company, organization etc. If you have a license you can use the software, download, project and/or product on as many computers as you like. These can either be your own computers or computer of other people within your household/company/organization. With the one important detail though: Within your household, company or organization etc. For organizations this even includes multiple branches/buildings within either the same country (non-US) or same state (US). For organizations spanning across several countries (non-US) or across multiple states (US), we do require you to obtain (or accept) a new license per country (non-US) or state (US).

If you (or other people within your household/company/organization) have 'mobile computers' like laptops, tablets etc on which you wish to install/use the software, download, project and/or product then this is allowed and (obviously) no problem. And yes, then you are (or the owner of the mobile computer is) allowed to use it on a different location than your home/company of course. As long as that mobile computer belongs to the household or company/organization the license is intended for.

So no, I/we don't care if you install your licensed software, download, project and/or product on 1 or on 5000 computers, as long as they belong to the same household or company/organization. However if you are installing it on so many computers, then you might want to consider supporting us through our Patreon for example 😉

Software with 'License Levels'

Some of our (closed source) software downloads, project and/or products have license levels build-in. Which means that the 'standard' version is often free but that you can unlock additional (or more extended) functions/features by obtaining a license. These licenses are (currently) mostly obtained (unlocked) by becoming a Patreon member, the Patreon membership level (Tier) then determines which level of license you will unlock for the download, project or product. Please note that you will not lose your license when you stop your Patreon membership! More information about this here: https://www.teamxnl.com/productlicenseinformation/

Circumventing The License (key) system

Circumventing, hacking, cracking, bypassing (you name it) the licensing level system, using license key generators or (published) license keys from other users is not allowed, illegal and simply put considered as piracy. The license level system (in some) of our/my projects and/or products is a way to offer additional features or functions to people for which the 'license level' is intended (often called Professional Edition, Enterprise Edition etc). I/we always try to make sure that the average hobbyist is not negatively affected by 'license limitations' and that the free versions already contain more than enough 'freedom' to properly use the software. The reason that some of my/our software does have a licensing system is very simply: It encourages the 'bigger entities' (Professional Edition users like business owners, Enterprise organizations etc) to get a membership which in turn will contribute to raising funds for further development, while trying to keep as much of the main features available for free for the hobbyist / home users.

Reverse-engineering, hacking, cracking etc the software

(Obviously) is reverse-engineering, hacking or cracking the software considered illegal and/or as piracy. We obviously can't (and won't) stop you from reverse-engineering it for your own curiosity, but we will take (legal) actions against such behavior if it negatively affects the project and/or product. This for example includes (but it not limited to): publishing reverse-engineered code, publishing (internal) functions or data obtained by reverse-engineering, publishing information about (circumventing or abusing) license or security implementations and more of the alike. It is obviously also considered theft (and thus illegal) if you use code and/or data obtained via reverse-engineering within one of your own (published) projects and or products.

Open Source License

This section covers the source-code files of this software, download, project and/or product.

TIP: Some of our open source programs, scripts etc which are 'open-scripts' (think about shell scripts, lua etc) will often contain a simple and easy block at the top to instantly comply with all the license requirements without too much fuzz
😊. (Given that you don't violate other possible rules of the license like for example: "No commercial use" if that applies to that specific license of course.)

Educative purposes

The main purpose of us publishing the source code's of our (software) projects is to educate others, to inspire others and (often) to give others a 'foundation' for their own (personal) projects (these are the 'Foundation Projects'). Our source codes should (in nearly all cases) not be used to produce commercial products.

Foundation Projects/Downloads

Projects/Downloads and/or Source Codes which are 'marked' as 'Foundation Projects' are actually intended to build and/or design your own projects and/or products with. These are often intended as 'starter-kits' so that you can get started to make your own projects and/or products with it. Projects/products which you have build-up these 'Foundation Projects' can be used and/or published (even commercially) if you like. It however is (obviously) important that you have put a significant amount of work into the foundation project to make it your own project/product. And it should still not violate the general license terms for the Foundation Project (meaning that it is for example not allowed to use a Foundation Project to make your own project/product which could for example hurt/damage other people or damage their property, reputation, business etc).

Commercial Use and/or Redistribution

If you are inspired by one of our source codes and you make your own version of it (from scratch) and are just using a 'couple snippets' to make your own product (which you intend to redistribute and/or sell), then you are allowed to do so. It is however important that you give credit where credit's is due, and that a signification portion your publication (>90%) should consist out of your own work.

Obviously you don't have to credit us for things like for example simple 'if block structures' or a (commonly known/used) simple formula to calculate something. But if you are using entire (either slightly modified or unaltered) functions, modules etc, then you are required to credit us/the original code (for example in the about screen, the documentation and/or the source code).

Reusing graphics, sound files, music, 3d models, animations and/or other elements

In 99% of the cases it is not allowed to reuse any of the graphics or other (graphical) elements included in our source codes for your own project(s). If you are (re-)making your own version based on a source code of one of our projects/products, then unless otherwise stated for this particular project, you are required to create your own (graphical) elements like clip-arts, illustrations, icons etc. The same goes for example for 3D models, animations and audio files etc included in the source code.

This basically means: That if it is not explicitly stated for the project's/product's source code that you can reuse the included images, sound files, 3D models, animations etc, that you are not allowed to reuse them for your own project(s) if you are planning to redistribute them (either free or commercial).

Rebranding and then (re)publishing

For some (beginner) 'programmers' it might seem tempting to just change some UI/interface aspects like icons/graphics, text labels (changing the copyright/creator info and the application name), re-arranging some interface controls and then slapping their own logo on it to (re-)publish it as their 'own program'. This type of (re-)distribution is not allowed and is considered taking credit for our work. We will not hesitate to take (legal) action against this and possibly even publicly call you out on it. Simply because these kind of publications are quite demotivating when people are putting in quite a lot of effort to create educative content/source-code's for others to learn from just for to be 'stolen' by someone-else who falsely takes credit for it.

Am I allowed to make changes to the source code only for my own use, for my dad or for some of my friends for example?
Yes, but read on first 😉:
Sure you can, that is actually how I myself (and several others on the XNL Future Technologies team) have started programming years ago. It is however very important to note that you are not allowed to publicly publish your modified/changed version online if it's not actually a Foundation Project (which are intended to be re-used and can be re-published). But if you are using our source codes to make 'custom versions' for yourself, your family and/or your friends (while not publishing them publicly) then you are of course allowed to do so. I would even recommend you to share your own 'custom versions' with your family and friends (offline/non-publicly that is of course), so that you get a 'testing audience' which gives you an opportunity to actually learn to deal with 'bug reports' and feature requests by your (small) 'user base' 😊

A small tip though (and I'm speaking from experience here😉): Always keep a copy of the original source code(s) as back up, and make comments in your (modified/custom) code to mark which sections you have used from other people's source codes for example. This way you can still 'back-track' what you did if you look back at your projects decades later 😉.

Use at own risk

Any use and/or re-use of our source codes and/or portions of it is at your own risk.

Attribution Required

When using this project, product, the files, portions of or anything else from this provided download(s), you are required to attribute XNL Future Technologies.

This means that you will have to give credit to XNL Future Technologies for the parts, code, files, snippets, images, portions etc you've used from the provided project, product, it's files and/or download(s).

Some of our open source programs, scripts etc which are 'open-scripts' (think about shell scripts, lua etc) will often contain a simple and easy block at the top to instantly comply with all the license requirements without too much fuzz 😊. (Given that you don't violate other possible rules of the license like for example: "No commercial use" if that applies to that specific license of course.)

Attribution (crediting) can be done in all kinds of ways, and how you should credit depends on how much of the provided 'content' you've used for your (derivative) work(s). If it's for example 'just a small snippet of code' and your application is also distributed as 'open-source', you could just credit XNL Future Technologies by placing a comment above 'the snippet'. If it for example would be a library which you have used on which most or major functions of your application depend on, then you might need to add attribution/credits to XNL Future Technologies (including the library name) in for example your Application's 'about screen' which would result in something like: "Uses the XNL Future Technologies .............. library" or "Uses the .............. library by XNL Future Technologies".

If it's a more 'severe case' of using our 'main work' and just making 'small adaptions' of your own (so basically "just a slightly modified version" of our project/product/file etc), then the attribution (credits) also have to be more prominent. If you for example downloaded an 'entire (example) application' or 3D Model with this 'license term tied to it', and you would only make a few (minor) adjustments, then the 'main works' are still very recognizable as our own 'original works', and thus you would also be required to attribute (much) more prominent. An attribution would then be something like:
XNL Future Technologies [project/product/model name here] modified by [Your Name Here].

So how and what you should credit really depends on what and how much you've used. How attribution/credit placement would be required is something which should be determined by the user (you) of the 'copyrighted works' in their own project/product.

Do note that there are situations where it would still be required that you place a prominent attribution, while you for example might have made major (visual) changes in your opinion. An example of a situation like that would be: Taking an (example) application and only changing the whole user interface (colors, buttons etc) while the application underneath still does exactly the same. Then you are still required to put a prominent attribution on the works like: "[Application Name Here] by XNL Future Technologies, Skin by [Your Name Here]"

This would be due to the fact that you then basically contributed (near) nothing to the application itself aside from 're-skinning it', and therefor you would not be able (read: allowed) to 'claim ownership' of the 'main works' either (only on the skin itself).

Attribution is a legal requirement when the license of a project, product, download etc requires it.

No Redistribution Allowed

It is not allowed to redistribute this project, product or the files included in the download(s) in any way (either altered or unaltered). This means that you are not allowed to share or (re-)upload any of the files which you can download from this project, product, tutorial etc.

If other portions of this license state that you can use/redistribute certain parts of this download (for example: snippets, examples from a source code, or specific files etc), then those specific 'items' are exempt from the 'No Redistribution Allowed' rule.

If you need to make this project, product or files available to others (for example visitors of your blog), then you should provide them with a direct link to this page instead of 're-uploading' them to your own blog/website for example.

Logo & Branding Copyright

XNL Future Technologies™, XNL TV™, XEWA™, TeamXNL™, System166™, The XNL Ft logo, The XNL Future Technologies logo, The XNL TV logo, The E-Series "Flamingo Logo", The XNL E-Academy Logo, The Overkill Edition Logo, The XEWA logo, The System166 Logo, The Sophie The Pigeon 8-Bit logo and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of XNL Future Technologies in The Netherlands and other countries. Other terms, project, product or brand-names and/or logo's may be trademarks of others.

XNL Future Technologies is not associated and does not claim to be associated with any company or product that might have been mentioned in their documentation unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Legal & Disclaimer(s)

The use of our projects, products, schematics or other files is at your own responsibility and they are provided “AS-IS”, without ANY WARRANTY. Use of the content on or from our website(s) is 100% at your own risk. Please realize that most of the 'stuff' that we offer on our website is intended for the enthusiasts, and thus it is designed/meant to be adapted, expanded or adjusted for use in 'larger' projects. Or that it is meant as a basic guideline to get started on a project of your own. Some products that we used (or have used) internally in our company will be shared with the public so that others can enjoy these modules or products also. For all these projects, product, files etc goes: USE AT OWN RISK! Some projects or products that we use internally do not have build in security measures (like reverse polarity protection for example!), this is to keep the costs at internal (test) stages as low as possible or due to the fact that the product is intended to be used in only one particular way! Keep this in mind when using, building or even buying these projects or products. If you're not sure what you're doing or if you don't trust a certain product, schematic, sample or anything else: USE YOUR INSTINCT and DO NOT CONTINUE, If you DO want to continue working on or with the project, product, source-code, sample, printed circuit board, model, schematic etc: Again: AT YOUR OWN RISK. The same goes for using our software (either closed source or other included binaries): USE A YOUR OWN RISK.

THE SOFTWARE, PROJECTS, SCHEMATICS, INFORMATION, SOURCE CODE, SAMPLES, FILES, 3D MODELS AND PRODUCTS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL XNL FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE, PROJECTS, SCHEMATICS, INFORMATION, SOURCE CODE, SAMPLES, PRODUCTS OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE, PROJECTS, SCHEMATICS, INFORMATION, SOURCE CODE, SAMPLES AND PRODUCTS. XNL FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS SOFTWARE, PROJECTS, SCHEMATICS, INFORMATION, SOURCE CODE, SAMPLES AND PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL XNL FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS AND PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH, MATERIAL, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT EVEN IF XNL FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. XNL Future Technologies makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. The information contained herein may be of a preliminary or advance nature and is subject to change without notice. No license, whether express, implied, arising by estoppel or other-wise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this publication. XNL Future Technologies software, projects, schematics, information, source codes, samples or products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use in or as systems for applications intended to support or sustain life, or in any other application in which the failure of XNL Future Technologies software, project, schematics, information, source code, model, sample, files or product could create a situation where personal injury, death, or severe property or environmental damage may occur. XNL Future Technologies products, projects or samples are not designed nor intended for use in weapon systems, this applies to offense and defense systems. XNL Future Technologies projects and products shall never be used to cause harm to living creatures including but not limited to humans and animals. XNL Future Technologies projects and products shall never be used to cause damage to property of any kind. Any use of XNL Future Technologies projects or products to cause harm, death or damage in any kind is strictly prohibited.

XNL Future Technologies reserves the right to discontinue or make changes to its projects, products or files at any time without notice.

SAFETY-CRITICAL, MILITARY, LIFE SUPPORT, MEDICAL AND AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS DISCLAIMER: XNL Future Technologies products, projects, samples, source-codes, documentation, tutorials, software or any other content is not designed for and will not be used in connection with any applications where the failure of such would reasonably be expected to result in significant personal injury or death (“Safety-Critical Applications”). Safety-Critical Applications include, without limitation, life systems or devices, health (monitoring) equipment, safety or security systems, equipment or systems for the operation of nuclear facilities or other “large impact” facilities. XNL Future Technologies products, projects, samples, source-codes, documentation, tutorials, software or any other content is not designed nor intended for use in government, military or aerospace applications or environments or in any other “high-risk” facility, location or environment.


Because this is a complete rewrite of TextSpec 2.0B, this basically should be considered a ‘whole new program’, and thus there currently isn’t a change-log from before version 3.0. The features included in XNL TextSpec 3.0 (the ‘rebranded name’ of TextSpec 2.0B) can be found at the Features Tab.


TextSpec 2.0B could only do the most basic thing: Counts Characters, words, and lines in (pasted) text.

XNL TextSpec 3.0 however has a lot more to offer these days, everything marked with [NEW] is introduced in version 3.0 (and thus new compared to version 2.0B)

  • Counts words, lines (enters/line breaks) and characters in either a plain text format or in rich text format (2.0B could only do plain text)
  • [NEW] Can now also count actual sentences (which recognizes . (period) ? (question mark) and ! (exclamation mark) as sentence ending
    • Colon ( : ) and Semicolon ( ; ) can also be enabled as sentence ending.
    • The sentence counter can be set to a ‘threshold’ between 1 to 10 words minimum before it accepts (counts) it as a sentence
    • The sentence counter works for both the whole text, but also for selected text only
  • Can estimated the file size for both plain text and rich text when the (pasted) document would be saved to the hard drive (TextSpec 2.0B also had this feature but did it completely incorrect by only counting the characters and not taking character encoding into account!)
    • [NEW] Size calculation (character encoding) method can be configured for plain text and rich text individually with support for: UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16 Little Endian, UTF-16 Big Endian, UTF-32 and ASCII (7Bit)
  • [NEW] Text can also be pasted from the clipboard as rich-text now (straight from Microsoft Word for example) including images etc.
  • [NEW] Drag-and-drop support for text/rich-text from another editor
  • [NEW] Convert all rich-text in your document with one click (or short-cut) to plain text
  • [NEW] Change the default font of the textbox
  • [NEW] Word wrap can be turned on and off
  • [NEW] File unit conversion (KB, MB etc) can be turned on or off now
    • [NEW] Calculations for these units can now be toggled between Base 10 (1KB = 1000 bytes) or Base 2 (1KB = 1024 bytes)
  • [NEW] Basic search function to search for text strings in your document
  • [NEW] Can search online for selected/highlighted text (max 100chars) with a search engine of your choice
    • Default build-in: Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo, plus an option to set your own custom URL
    • Online Search Option can be disabled completely in the settings
  • [NEW] ‘Edit Menu‘ (cut, copy, paste etc) and a right click context menu with these functions
  • [NEW] Supports clicking on links in your (pasted) document. You can also disable this feature in the settings.
  • [NEW] TextSpec will now also show the ‘specifications’ of selected/highlighted text and will also show how often the selected character, word, sentence or even whole paragraph occurs in your document.

Some of these features might not sound ‘special enough’ that they would even need to be listed here, but considering that XNL TextSpec 3.0 could be considered as an update/upgrade of TextSpec 2.0B, I felt it would actually be appropriate to list all the new features for that reason.

What can’t (and won’t) XNL TextSpec 3.0 do

It might at first glance look like a very simple text processor or a simple ‘notepad’, but that is actually not what XNL TextSpec is. XNL TextSpec is truly (and only) intended to get specific information (character, word and line count mainly) from pasted text. Due to this it is for example not possible to open or save documents/files with XNL TextSpec, print with XNL TextSpec or to “professionally edit” your document’s font, layout etc.

And XNL TextSpec will not get these features either (ever). Sure it might look ‘convenient’ to give XNL TextSpec the ability to open text files and/or documents. However, without writing tons of decoding functions, it would (natively) only support .TXT and .RTF files. And if I would wanted XNL TextSpec to also read/open files like: .doc, .docx, .odt, .pdf and whatever there is out there, then I would have to write a custom ‘decoder’ for all those document types (not even to mention the support for all the internal document structures that have changed over the years). And that would then instantly defeat the whole purpose of XNL TextSpec: A small util which starts fast and quickly gives you the information about the (pasted) text you needed to know 😉.


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