XNL Protoboard A 100x100mm (38×36)+36P 1404 Holes

This is our 100x100mm (10x10cm) XNL Protoboard XPB5722-A.

There are two versions, this one which has ‘small ground planes’ between each hole and along it’s edges. and the XPB5722-A1 which doesn’t have these ‘ground planes’
For most users we would recommend using the XPB5722-A1 instead!

Size: 100x100mm
Holes: 1404 (38×36)+36
Spacing: 2.54mm / 0.1”
Model: (38×36)+36P
P/N: XPB5722-A

Download Size: 307kb


By clicking on the 'I Agree & Add to download basket', you confirm that you have read and agree to the License shown at the License tab.


This is one of own XNL Future Technologies Protoboards, these protoboard can be used to make ‘prototypes’ of your projects when “you’re ready to move from breadboard to PCB”, but aren’t ready yet to design your own custom circuit board (or of course for projects which don’t require a custom designed circuit board at all).

These XNL protoboards have a grid of 38 by 36 holes plus another 36 ‘extra holes’ along the ’38 holes side’, which gives you a total of 1404 holes. The board is designed as double-sided board and due to the 2.54mm (0.1″) space (pitch) between the holes it will fit any normal DIP chip or other components which would also fit on your breadboard. And due to the fact that the board is double sided (where each hole is connected to the same hole on the other side of the board), it will also be a lot easier to make your projects/prototypes a lot smaller because you can work on both sides of the board. The pitch and (round narrow) shape of the solder-pads also makes them perfect to for example use SMD/SMT components like 0805 LED’s, Resistors and capacitors, which can even reduce the size of your project/prototype even further.

This model has small (unconnected) ‘ground planes’ between all the pads, and also (unconnected) ‘ground planes’ along the edges of the board. When scratching off some of the silkscreen (and thus exposing the copper plane underneath) you can use these ‘mini planes’ to use them as additional signal or power traces. Or (for the edges) even as ‘improvised antenna’ or as ‘capacitive touch sensor’. This model of our 100x100mm Protoboard is however not recommended for most users due to this (because they might unintentionally cause shorts when they are soldering with temperatures which are to high).

For most users we would recommend to use the XNL Protoboard A1 instead.

Board Specifications:
Size: 100x100mm
Holes: 1404 (38×36)+36
Spacing: 2.54mm / 0.1”
Model: (38×36)+36P
P/N: XPB5722-A

Why did we create our own XNL Protoboards?
Well mainly for two reasons, of which one is explained bellow in the ‘mini-product-blog-post’, and secondly because I just thought it would be cool to actually have our own protoboards with my/our logo on it 😉

The story and reason behind our XNL protoboards

NOTE: The rest of this page is a ‘mini-product-blog-post’ on why I have developed these XNL Protoboards, if you where just here for the technical project/product information you can skip the rest of the page.

Usually we would order our protoboards almost anywhere if the boards at least met the following conditions:

  • Need to be of good quality
  • Must be made of FR4 (Flame Retardant epoxy and (fiber)glass composite)
  • Must be Double sided (can/will result in much smaller boards/projects if utilized well)
  • (The obvious:) The price needs to be acceptable, good price-vs-quality-ratio, and when possible it must be a low as possible (let’s just be honest here, don’t we all want to pay less? 😉 )

Back around 2015 we could order 7 protoboards with a size of 90x150mm (double sided) meeting all these conditions for around $11,- (including shipping) on AliExpress, which was quite a bargain obviously. If we would place that same order again now in 2022 (at the same seller) we would pay almost $14,- (including shipping). This would give us a rough total of 945cm2 worth of protoboard.

While this doesn’t seem to big a ‘big deal’ while staying reasonable and keeping the ever changing world economy, inflation, pandemic effects etc in mind, it does start to make quite a big difference if we take the following into consideration:
If would order our own design (100x100mm, also FR4 and double sided) at JLCPCB with their current pricing (which hasn’t changed over the last two years at least):
– The first product/board in our Shopping cart would only cost $2 for 5 boards.
– The next products/boards in our shopping cart would only cost 4$ for 5 boards or $5 for 10 boards.

So if we would then look at the ‘two options’ we have here (AliExpress and our own protoboard via JLCPCB):
Price: $14,- Average (Including shipping)
Board Count: 7
Board size: 90×150mm (945cm2 total)

Our board via JLCPCB:
Price: $12,- (Excluding shipping!)
Board Count: 25
Board size: 100×100mm (2500cm2 Total)

Our order ‘breakdown’ for JLCPCB:
1x5pcs for the $2 price (‘special offer’ for the first item in your cart.)
1x10pcs purple for $5,-
1x10pcs black for $5

Even if the ‘$2 Special offer’ would not apply for the first item in the cart, it would still be just $14 (and thus the same price as AliExpress for a lot more PCB).

But what about the shipping costs at JLCPCB?
Yes, you definitely got a point there, because going to ‘check out’ and selecting the cheapest (IOSS) shipment method for us it would add $17.60 for shipping and $6.22 for customs duties & taxes. So this would add another $23,83 to our JLCPCB order, which would get us at a total of $35.82 for the order of 25 boards. HOWEVER, we often do not order just one project or product, but we wait until we have multiple projects and products we can order at the same time. When doing so you will save a lot on shipment costs, and then it is definitely worth your money to use our XNL Protoboards. If you would only order our protoboards, then it would definitely be cheaper if your would order protoboards on AliExpress instead (even if you would match the ‘2500cm2 total board size’ on AliExpress with protoboards).

Recommended to order along with the rest of your order
So these XNL Protoboards are definitely a product which we would recommend ‘tossing into your shopping cart’ as extra product when you are also ordering other PCB’s. Obviously your shipping costs will rise a bit when adding more products to your order (due to increased weight), but not significantly enough to complain about 🙂 . We for example had an order last month with over 80 PCB’s and our shipping costs only went up to about $25, and our customs duties & taxes went up to $19.92, and for this order we did not even used the cheapest shipping method either, but we used FedEx International Priority instead.

IMPORTANT TIP: If you're planning to redistribute this project/product or if you are planning to use it for any commercial purpose (if the license permits these uses of course), then it is highly recommended that you 'copy-paste' this License and store it along with your download(s) for future reference.



Do note that all sections/'chapters' bellow constitute the entire license and that they are 'interconnected'. This for example means that if there is a section about Closed Source/Binaries License, that this doesn't mean that the rest of the license doesn't to those binaries. It just means that that section is specifically aimed at those files, while the rest of the license (where applicable) is also 'in effect' for those binaries.

Attribution Required

When using this project, product, the files, portions of or anything else from this provided download(s), you are required to attribute XNL Future Technologies.

This means that you will have to give credit to XNL Future Technologies for the parts, code, files, snippets, images, portions etc you've used from the provided project, product, it's files and/or download(s).

Attribution (crediting) can be done in all kinds of ways, and how you should credit depends on how much of the provided 'content' you've used for your (derivative) work(s). If it's for example 'just a small snippet of code' and your application is also distributed as 'open-source', you could just credit XNL Future Technologies by placing a comment above 'the snippet'. If it for example would be a library which you have used on which most or major functions of your application depend on, then you might need to add attribution/credits to XNL Future Technologies (including the library name) in for example your Application's 'about screen' which would result in something like: "Uses the XNL Future Technologies .............. library" or "Uses the .............. library by XNL Future Technologies".

If it's a more 'severe case' of using our 'main work' and just making 'small adaptions' of your own (so basically "just a slightly modified version" of our project/product/file etc), then the attribution (credits) also have to be more prominent. If you for example downloaded an 'entire (example) application' or 3D Model with this 'license term tied to it', and you would only make a few (minor) adjustments, then the 'main works' are still very recognizable as our own 'original works', and thus you would also be required to attribute (much) more prominent. An attribution would then be something like:
XNL Future Technologies [project/product/model name here] modified by [Your Name Here].

So how and what you should credit really depends on what and how much you've used. How attribution/credit placement would be required is something which should be determined by the user (you) of the 'copyrighted works' in their own project/product.

Do note that there are situations where it would still be required that you place a prominent attribution, while you for example might have made major (visual) changes in your opinion. An example of a situation like that would be: Taking an (example) application and only changing the whole user interface (colors, buttons etc) while the application underneath still does exactly the same. Then you are still required to put a prominent attribution on the works like: "[Application Name Here] by XNL Future Technologies, Skin by [Your Name Here]"

This would be due to the fact that you then basically contributed (near) nothing to the application itself aside from 're-skinning it', and therefor you would not be able (read: allowed) to 'claim ownership' of the 'main works' either (only on the skin itself).

Attribution is a legal requirement when the license of a project, product, download etc requires it.

Commercial Use Allowed

Commercial use of this project, product, it's files, download(s) etc is allowed, which means that you are allowed to use it for own financial gain, there could be however (additional) restrictions included in a license (or licenses) which is supplied (within) the project, product, download(s) etc which limits the extent of how (far/much) you are allowed to use it commercially. By using, downloading or otherwise using this project, product, it's files and/or download(s), you confirm that you will first check the supplied content/download(s) for additional licenses to see if there (additional) restrictions which limit the extend of the Commercial Use Allowed Permission Clause, before using it for commercial purposes in any way.

A project/product which for example does allow Commercial Use within your company or organization under certain (licensing) conditions but does not allow you to (re-)sell the project/product would be XEWA. When you consult the XEWA License (which is provided with, and build-into XEWA), you will find this (additional) license information and/or limitations in the 'included license'.

If the project, product, code, files etc don't include any (additional) license(s), then you are allowed to use this project, product, it's files, download(s) etc, in any possible way for commercial use (including (re-)selling it. If there however is an (additional) license included with the project, product, it's files or download(s) you hereby agree that you will also read that license and accept that license prior to using the project, product or file(s), and that you will refrain from using the obtained 'content' in any way if you can't (or don't want to) agree to the (additionally) included license(s).

Make sure that you also consult the rest of the license(s) to see if clauses/rules like Attribution Required or ShareAlike for example apply, because even if you are allowed to use the product for any type of commercial use, it could still be that attribution required or ShareAlike 'rules' apply.


Our ShareAlike Clause means that if you are are for example allowed to share/redistribute modified versions of this project, product, it's files, download(s) etc, that you have to share it under the same conditions as this original work.

Some examples of what this means for you:

  • If the rest of the license for example permits you to modify and then redistribute your own 'adaption/version' of this project, product, it's files etc, you would then need to comply with the following 'rules':
    • If this original project, product, it's files or download(s) etc are 'open-source' (provide source code/files with it), then your modified version can only be published/redistributed if you also supply your (adapted/modified) source code along with it.
    • This also means that you are not allowed to take a project, product etc with the 'ShareAlike Clause' in it's license from our website, modify it and then start redistributing or even selling it as 'closed-source' only.
    • You are not allowed to 'remove' clauses or 'rules' from the original license (just to give an example: You are not allowed to remove the 'Attribution Required' or the 'Commercial Use Not Allowed' clauses from your version/license).
    • You are not allowed to restrict the original license with additional clauses and/or rules of your own.

We can understand it if some developers/creators put a lot of effort in 'upgrading' existing works, but that they would not like our (for example) 'keep open-source also open-source on redistribution rules', but all I/we can say about that is: Sorry, but that's the 'game of this license'. If you don't like it, then just create your own stuff from scratch 😉

The ShareAlike clause (obviously) also remains fully enforced if you decide to redistribute unaltered versions, and thus the same 'rules and examples' as shown above would apply, but to the unaltered version/re-distribution.

Logo & Branding Copyright

XNL Future Technologies™, XNL TV™, XEWA™, TeamXNL™, System166™, The XNL Ft logo, The XNL Future Technologies logo, The XNL TV logo, The E-Series "Flamingo Logo", The XNL E-Academy Logo, The Overkill Edition Logo, The XEWA logo, The System166 Logo, The Sophie The Pigeon 8-Bit logo and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of XNL Future Technologies in The Netherlands and other countries. Other terms, project, product or brand-names and/or logo's may be trademarks of others.

XNL Future Technologies is not associated and does not claim to be associated with any company or product that might have been mentioned in their documentation unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Legal & Disclaimer(s)

The use of our projects, products, schematics or other files is at your own responsibility and they are provided “AS-IS”, without ANY WARRANTY. Use of the content on or from our website(s) is 100% at your own risk. Please realize that most of the 'stuff' that we offer on our website is intended for the enthusiasts, and thus it is designed/meant to be adapted, expanded or adjusted for use in 'larger' projects. Or that it is meant as a basic guideline to get started on a project of your own. Some products that we used (or have used) internally in our company will be shared with the public so that others can enjoy these modules or products also. For all these projects, product, files etc goes: USE AT OWN RISK! Some projects or products that we use internally do not have build in security measures (like reverse polarity protection for example!), this is to keep the costs at internal (test) stages as low as possible or due to the fact that the product is intended to be used in only one particular way! Keep this in mind when using, building or even buying these projects or products. If you're not sure what you're doing or if you don't trust a certain product, schematic, sample or anything else: USE YOUR INSTINCT and DO NOT CONTINUE, If you DO want to continue working on or with the project, product, source-code, sample, printed circuit board, model, schematic etc: Again: AT YOUR OWN RISK. The same goes for using our software (either closed source or other included binaries): USE A YOUR OWN RISK.

THE SOFTWARE, PROJECTS, SCHEMATICS, INFORMATION, SOURCE CODE, SAMPLES, FILES, 3D MODELS AND PRODUCTS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL XNL FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE, PROJECTS, SCHEMATICS, INFORMATION, SOURCE CODE, SAMPLES, PRODUCTS OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE, PROJECTS, SCHEMATICS, INFORMATION, SOURCE CODE, SAMPLES AND PRODUCTS. XNL FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS SOFTWARE, PROJECTS, SCHEMATICS, INFORMATION, SOURCE CODE, SAMPLES AND PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL XNL FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS AND PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH, MATERIAL, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT EVEN IF XNL FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. XNL Future Technologies makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. The information contained herein may be of a preliminary or advance nature and is subject to change without notice. No license, whether express, implied, arising by estoppel or other-wise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this publication. XNL Future Technologies software, projects, schematics, information, source codes, samples or products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use in or as systems for applications intended to support or sustain life, or in any other application in which the failure of XNL Future Technologies software, project, schematics, information, source code, model, sample, files or product could create a situation where personal injury, death, or severe property or environmental damage may occur. XNL Future Technologies products, projects or samples are not designed nor intended for use in weapon systems, this applies to offense and defense systems. XNL Future Technologies projects and products shall never be used to cause harm to living creatures including but not limited to humans and animals. XNL Future Technologies projects and products shall never be used to cause damage to property of any kind. Any use of XNL Future Technologies projects or products to cause harm, death or damage in any kind is strictly prohibited.

XNL Future Technologies reserves the right to discontinue or make changes to its projects, products or files at any time without notice.

SAFETY-CRITICAL, MILITARY, LIFE SUPPORT, MEDICAL AND AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS DISCLAIMER: XNL Future Technologies products, projects, samples, source-codes, documentation, tutorials, software or any other content is not designed for and will not be used in connection with any applications where the failure of such would reasonably be expected to result in significant personal injury or death (“Safety-Critical Applications”). Safety-Critical Applications include, without limitation, life systems or devices, health (monitoring) equipment, safety or security systems, equipment or systems for the operation of nuclear facilities or other “large impact” facilities. XNL Future Technologies products, projects, samples, source-codes, documentation, tutorials, software or any other content is not designed nor intended for use in government, military or aerospace applications or environments or in any other “high-risk” facility, location or environment.

PCB Order Instructions

This section explains the (recommended) ordering process and settings (at the PCB manufacturer) to order our circuit boards using our provided 'ready-to-use' Gerber (zip) files. We will first give a basic overview for the recommended PCB Manufacturer settings, so that the more experianced users can instantly find what they need, and after this 'settings overview' we will explain more in-depth how you can order our printed circuit boards (PCB's) using the files you can download for our projects, products and packages.

NOTE: The clickable links to JLCPCB are referral links, more information about this at the bottom of the page.

Recommended PCB Ordering Settings (Material, layers etc)

All our boards (unless otherwise stated) are designed for and should be ordered with the following settings:
(Base) Material: FR4
Layers: 2 Layer / Double-sided
PCB Thickness: 1.6mm
PCB Color: Choose whatever you like or stick to the 'official project/product color' 🙂
Outer Copper Weight: Use default of the website you're ordering (often 1oz).

When ordering from JLCPCB and using the zip file which has (JLCJLCJLCJLC) in it's name:
Remove Order Number: Click on [Specify a location]


How to use our files/downloads to order the circuit boards

To order the printed circuit board(s) included in this project, product or package you will first need to download and extract this project or product.

Our project and product folders will often contain several folders/directories, of which one of them should have a name similar to 'Gerber Files (For Ordering-Production)'. If the downloaded project or product only contains one printed circuit board (PCB) then you will often find two archives (zip files) within this folder.

One of these archives will have (JLCJLCJLCJLC) in it's name and the other won't, for example:

NOTE: You will only need to use one of these files when ordering, not both. So please read along to find out how this works 🙂

My 'Gerber Files Folder' contains even more folders

If this is the case it just means that the project, product or package you have downloaded consists out of multiple circuit boards (or options/variations you can choose from), you should consult the documentation (or included text file(s) in these folders) of your project, product or package to find out which folder (or PCB's) you will need. Inside each folder for the different Printed Circuit Boards in the project, product or package we will still use the same 'file structure' where there will be two files per PCB (one having '(JLCJLCJLCJLC)' in it's name and the other doesn't).


My Gerber Files Folder only contains one zip file (per part/option)!

This is also a possibility, this just means that we did not created an additional 'Gerber file-set' with PCB's which have JLCJLCJLCJLC on them. We often choose to do this for boards which would be to small to actually place such texts, we will then just let it be up to JLCPB to place the production/batch numbers on them. So if there aren't additional zip files which have (JLCJLCJLCJLC) in their filename(s), then you should just use the zip file(s) which is present in the folder(s).

File difference explanation

  • The one which has "(JLCJLCJLCJLC)" in it's file name will have JLCJLCJLCJLC printed on the circuit board.
  • The one which does not have "(JLCJLCJLCJLC)" in it's name will not have JLCJLCJLCJLC printed on the circuit board.


Ordering anywhere else than JLCPCB

When you want to order anywhere else than on JLCPCB.com you should always just use the zip file which does not have (JLCJLCJLCJLC) in it's filename.


What does this JLCJLCJLCJLC on the PCB mean?

Well this 'piece of text' tells JLCPCB where they can/should place their (internal) manufacturing/production/batch numbers, which they use for handling your order internally. JLCPCB offers a free service where circuit board designers can specify where JLCPCB can place their 'internal batch/production numbers', this prevents issues where they would for example (accidentally) place these production/batch numbers on an ugly location and thus possibly ruin your 'precious silkscreen artwork' 🙂


Ordering from JLCPCB

When you do want to order at JLCPCB.com you have two options to choose from:

  1. Pay a bit extra on your order (currently around $1.54) and have JLCPCB remove their manufacturing/production code completely, in which case you should use the file which does not have (JLCJLCJLCJLC) in it's filename.
  2. Or instead use the file which does have (JLCJLCJLCJLC) in it's filename, in which JLCPCB will use the by us specified location to place the manufacturing/production/batch number(s). We will always (try to) place this text in the least noticeable location or where it would not 'mess' with the rest of our silkscreen design. To be extra clear: When using this option you will have a small 'batch number' printed on the location of your PCB's where we had placed the "JLCJLCJLCJLC marker", but it will save you a bit of money on your order.

If you are ordering from JLCPCB and you are using the zip file which has (JLCJLCJLCJLC) in it's name, then you have to make sure that you search for the 'Remove Order Number' option when ordering your PCB and then select [Specify a location] at this option. Otherwise you might still end up with an 'factory batch number' on your PCB AND have the 'text' JLCJLCJLCJLC printed on it. So make sure that you select [Specify a location]

Price estimate at JLCPCB
Currently (at the time of writing this 'pre-configured order manual template') prices at JLCPCB per PCB Design are around 2$ to $4 if the board is 100x100mm or less, which will get you 5 copies of the board itself for this price. And if you order 10 of the same board you will often just have to pay $5 (so just $1 more for 5 extra boards). We use JLCPCB for nearly all our projects and products and we are very satisfied with their quality and production times. Ordering from JLCPCB is as simple as going to JLCPCB.com then 'drag-and-drop' your zip file (with the Gerber files) onto the page.

NOTE: The clickable links to JLCPCB in this section are referral links


PCB Sponsor Update/Referal Link Information:
Since July 2024 JLCPCB is now sponsoring my projects, platform and YouTube channel, I'm very grateful for JLCPCB offering to sponsor me (they actually contacted me, I did not contacted them). Despite the fact that they are now sponsoring my/our projects, my opinion about them remains unchanged and will also state that my recommendation to use JLCPCB is 100% my own. If I would not have used (and loved) their service that much myself already I would not have accepted their offer either. The reason I accepted their sponsor offer is because I had already been using them for many years with great satisfaction.

If you click on the referral link I will NOT be able to see that you have clicked it (I will not get any user or order details from them), and neither would you pay more when using their link for example. Using the referal link does however support my projects, content and platform 🙂

You can also use JLCPCB for FR-4 boards up to 20 layers, Flex pcb's and assembly of your PCB's (meaning they will put the components on them for you, I personally haven't used the latter (yet) though).


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