Why Age Verification
Due to our own privacy values and to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR in short), we require all users which register to be at least 16 (written: sixteen) years of age. This is due to the fact that for example your email address is considered personal information which will be stored on our server(s). Although we store as minimal data as possible of our users (see our Privacy Policy for more information), your email address has to be stored when creating an account in order for certain website functions to work properly. This includes (but is not limited to): Login, password-reset emails and emailing of product downloads, information, updates and licenses for example.
And including the fact that our platform includes people of all nationalities, areas/countries and that due that the majority of the publications/pages will be written in English, we consider it of utmost importance that the minimal age on our platform is 16 years of age.
Basically we should/could be allowed to allow ‘minors’ access to our website registration with consent of their parents or legal guardians, HOWEVER: The Dutch law (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) would then require us to actually verify if the parents or legal guardians have indeed given permission. This in turn would mean that we would actually have to collect and maintain (much) more data than what is actually needed for our platform and what is desired by us. Due to this fact, and that we don’t want ANY data than what is strictly necessary for your use of our platform(s), we’ve decided to restrict our platforms to a minimal age to ensure that the legal age to give us consent to process your personal information (your email address in our case) has been met.
But in my country this age is lower!
That could be (because some countries have this limit set to 13, 14 or 15), but sorry we still maintain the minimal age of 16 to comply with our own local laws as much as possible.
Abuse/False Registration
If we suspect in anyway that you are not of the ‘claimed age’ we will investigate this matter, if we come to the conclusion (or can’t clearly identify otherwise) we will ban your account immediately without prior notice. This also means that you will no longer be able to re-register and that you will lose access to any and all features (including possibly licenses) which are ‘tied to your account’.
Privacy Informational sources
Here you can find some links to (external sources) and the privacy regulations.
GDPR Article 8 (Age Consent)
AVG Children Data Processing (DUTCH Website!)
Last Updated: 06-03-2022